Friday, October 9, 2015

Sterling File Gateway Concepts

Sterling file gateway ■ 

An MFT solution designed on top of Sterling B2B foundation for transferring files between partners using different protocols, file naming conventions, and file formats. ■ Has following features –Scheduled high volume - high frequency file transfers –File and File name Transformations –File Transfer Visibility (file route and events reports) –Replay / Re-delivery –Notifications (partners and operators) –Broad Communications Protocol Support (FTP, FTP/S, SSH/SFTP, SSH/SCP, and Sterling Connect:Direct) –Dynamic Routing –Easy-to-use Partner Onboarding UI –Flexible Mailbox Structures (to support pattern matching) ■ Works on the basis of predefined business processes ■ Has a web browser based Partner interface named myFileGateway –The partner can upload files using this UI which can then be routed using protocol adapters like FTP/SFTP –Partner can subscribe to notifications

Important Sterling Integrator Concepts

SFTP concept in Sterling Integrator

The following keys are used to allow an SFTP Client adapter to connect with a
remote SFTP server.

*** User Identity Key – Private/Public key pair used to identify Sterling Integrator
as a user on a remote server. Generate this key within Sterling Integrator and
provide the public part of the key to your trading partner.

*** Known Host Key – Public key used to authenticate remote SFTP servers to
Sterling Integrator’s SFTP Client adapter. Request this key from your trading

The following keys are used by the SFTP Server adapter to allow connections from
remote clients:

*** Authorized User Key – A public key used to authenticate remote users to
Sterling Integrator SFTP Server adapters. One one or more Authorized User keys
can be associated with a user account. Request the key(s) from your trading
partner and include the key(s) in their Sterling Integrator user account.
*** Host Identity Key – Private/Public key pair used to identify the Sterling
Integrator SFTP Server adapter to remote clients. Generate this key within
Sterling Integrator.

Perimeter Server ■ Perimeter server is a software for communications management that –manages the communications flow between outer layers of your network and the TCP-based transport adapters –can be installed in a DMZ (De-Militarized Zone – the zone between a trusted internal network and an untrusted external network Eg: internet) –Provides security and scalability

HTTP Server Adapter ■ The HTTP Server Adapter is based on jetty http engine and provides support for HTTP protocol in the following way –You can run a full fledged web application from a WAR file –You can run a Business Process with the incoming data as primary document ■ It provides a URI based configuration for routing data –The adapter listens on a configured port and can accept simple TCP or secure SSL/TLS connection based on how it is configured –The incoming HTTP request is routed to configured BPs or WAR applications based on URI

HTTP Client Adapter ■ HTTP Client Adapter provides client capabilities in the following way –Scriptable using Business process (BPML) in SI and available in the GPM –Connects to the configured host and sends/receives business data using the HTTP protocol –Supports GET and POST Http methods and secure SSL connections (https) –Supports connecting through a HTTP proxy ■ The client adapter supports big payloads (tested up to 2 GB) and supports more than 150 concurrent transfers

SFTP Server Adapter ■ SFTP Server adapter provides secure file transfer support with SFTP protocol –Works on top of Secure SHell (SSH) protocol for transport security –Uses SSH Host Identity keystore (private keys) and Authorized User key store (public keys) in SI for SSH keys –Capable of exposing a Mailbox or an actual (native) file system directory as the SFTP file system to the connected user –Supports restrictions via Virtual Roots and adapter policies (more on policies later)

SFTP Client Adapter ■ SFTP Client Adapter provides client capabilities in the following way –Scriptable using Business process (BPML) in SI and is available in the GPM –Connects to the configured host and executes specified SFTP commands –Supports SFTP commands like cd, list, get, put, delete, pwd, mkdir, rmdir, move that help in sending/retrieving/organizing business data in the partner's SFTP server –Supports connecting through a HTTP proxy

FTP Server Adapter ■ FTP Server adapter provides support for sending/receiving files using the the FTP protocol –Exposes a Mailbox or an actual (native) file system directory as the FTP file system to the connected user –Supports a large set of FTP commands (rfc 959) –Supports secure SSL/TLS connections (FTPS) –Supports restrictions via Virtual Roots and adapter policies (more on this later) –Supports User Exits (custom code execution on FTP events)

FTP Client Adapter ■ FTP Client Adapter provides client capabilities for the FTP protocol in the following way –Scriptable using Business process (BPML) in SI and is available in the GPM –Connects to the configured host and executes specified FTP commands –Supports FTP commands like cd, list, get, put, delete, pwd, site, quote, move that help in sending/retrieving/organizing business data in the partner's FTP server –Supports FTPS (FTP over SSL) for transport security ■ Tested with large files up to 15 GB

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