Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Amazon Payee Central integration with OMS application running on AWS cloud using Opensource Tools

 Amazon payee Central integration with OMS application running on AWS cloud using Opensource Tools


   Recently I had opportunity to work on integration between Amazon Payee Central and OMS running on AWS cloud. 

   Initially we have implemented the Invoice Payment message integration as part of this project. In this 

   implementation there are multiple applications involved to archive the required integration requirement.


To implement this integration below mentioned tasks are performed


   Pre requisites information for this implementation has been provided to customer .


   1. Having Amazon payee central account for generating invoices

   2. Having personal/Business Website with own web space and domain name for your website and Email account if notification are required

       3. Having any commercial Order Management System or own OMS application or any Database with Order Management schemas and tables.


       Implementing actual high level integration steps which I have followed    

   1. EDI setup in Amazon payee Central for exchanging EDi files over AS2

   2. Create our own self-signed or CA certified AS2 certificates for our company / business

   3. Create AS2 http/https url (resource) for receiving or sending files to/from Amazon 

   4. Configure our company / business certificates and Website AS2 resource URL in Amazon payee central

   5. Install opensource AS2 software application running on on-premise or on cloud (AWS or Azure or IBM cloud or google cloud)

   6. Configure our company certificates and Amazon AS2 certificates in our AS2 application

   7. Now coming to Translation, we need to use either opensource EDI translator or any coding language like java, .Net , Python or PHP etc. to do the translation from OMS format to corresponding transaction EDI format.

   8. In our case, as requested by customer I have used PHP script to do the translation and after successful translation file will be written some folder on AWS cloud

   9. Internal OMS application will generate some invoice file in application format (Ex. Flatfile , CSV or Database) and written to some folder on AWS

   10. From that folder translation program will pick and do the translation. After successful translation , files written to another folder where AS2 program can pick and push the file to Amazon.

   11. Initially Amazon wont receive the files until we activate the EDI connection in Amazon Payee central

       12. To activate the AS2 connection , we need to upload 3 EDI formatted Invoice files successfully in the Amazon payee central dashboard by licking connections tab.

       13. Once EDI invoice files successfully validated then the AS2 connection will be changed to Active status. 

       14. Once connection is activated then only Amazon can receive files from us and files can be tracked/showed in search results whether the files are processes or failed.     


Just for reference, here is the list of available OMS software's with commercial license

         1. Quickbooks Commerce                https://quickbooks.intuit.com/quickbooks-commerce/

         2. Brightpearl                        https://www.brightpearl.com/

         3. Skubana                            https://www.skubana.com/

4. Freestyle Solutions                https://www.freestylesolutions.com/

5. Odoo — Best Open Source OMS        https://www.odoo.com/

6. Brightpearl                        https://www.brightpearl.com/order-management

7. Veeqo                              https://www.veeqo.com/order-management-system

         8. Magento                            https://www.magestore.com/features/magento-order-management/



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