Friday, July 11, 2014

Gentran Server vs. Gentran Integration Suite (GIS)

An interesting take on (Sterling Commerce’s, now IBM’s) Gentran Server vs. Gentran Integration Suite from a posting to the public “EDI Professionals” group by “Jeff” on LinkedIn.
“Gentran Server and Gentran Integration Suite are radically different animals. Gentran Server does simple translation and storage of data, that’s it. If you understand mapping and basic coding: “IF” statements, functions and such, the learning curve is pretty quick. Trading partner setup is in a basic tree format with copy function to set up new vendors from existing. If you copy the ISA level, all GS and ST come across with it. pretty slick.
“GIS is another story. The learning curve is steep. It does the same functions as Gentran Server but not as cleanly. It can accomplish almost anything you want it to using business processes linking file system adapters FTPs, maps, custom Java programs and other functions together any way you need them. It is very object based with each envelope business process etc being it’s own little component that you link to others. This makes the Trading partner setup very cumbersome since you cannot see what each is linked to unless you open each component. Unless you are careful about your naming conventions your searches may not bring up all the components you are looking for in one search and or may present them in an illogical order. The system shows the names alphabetically or numerical order rather than ISA, GS , ST order. This also goes for BPs, adapters etc.
“In describing the system I tell people that sometimes searching for data is like finding one particular string in the middle of a giant yarn ball. Other users have laughed saying that is pretty accurate. All data search correlations (PO number, invoice number) are set up custom in the maps, they are not canned. If you don’t set it up, you can’t search on it. On the other hand Gentran Server does not have this capability. A well set up series of correlations makes the system quite efficient. The EDI correlations: IDs and control numbers are factory set though.
“However once you understand it, it can do anything. From basic EDI processing, running accounting programs, reports, etc. If you are familiar with robotics and can control them with Java you can have the system wash your car if you want. Just link the control program into your BP and your good to go.
“One big difference between Gentran Server and GIS is that GIS has built in AS2. Server needs an external package.”

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