Friday, October 9, 2015

Sterling File Gateway Concepts

Sterling file gateway ■ 

An MFT solution designed on top of Sterling B2B foundation for transferring files between partners using different protocols, file naming conventions, and file formats. ■ Has following features –Scheduled high volume - high frequency file transfers –File and File name Transformations –File Transfer Visibility (file route and events reports) –Replay / Re-delivery –Notifications (partners and operators) –Broad Communications Protocol Support (FTP, FTP/S, SSH/SFTP, SSH/SCP, and Sterling Connect:Direct) –Dynamic Routing –Easy-to-use Partner Onboarding UI –Flexible Mailbox Structures (to support pattern matching) ■ Works on the basis of predefined business processes ■ Has a web browser based Partner interface named myFileGateway –The partner can upload files using this UI which can then be routed using protocol adapters like FTP/SFTP –Partner can subscribe to notifications

Important Sterling Integrator Concepts

SFTP concept in Sterling Integrator

The following keys are used to allow an SFTP Client adapter to connect with a
remote SFTP server.

*** User Identity Key – Private/Public key pair used to identify Sterling Integrator
as a user on a remote server. Generate this key within Sterling Integrator and
provide the public part of the key to your trading partner.

*** Known Host Key – Public key used to authenticate remote SFTP servers to
Sterling Integrator’s SFTP Client adapter. Request this key from your trading

The following keys are used by the SFTP Server adapter to allow connections from
remote clients:

*** Authorized User Key – A public key used to authenticate remote users to
Sterling Integrator SFTP Server adapters. One one or more Authorized User keys
can be associated with a user account. Request the key(s) from your trading
partner and include the key(s) in their Sterling Integrator user account.
*** Host Identity Key – Private/Public key pair used to identify the Sterling
Integrator SFTP Server adapter to remote clients. Generate this key within
Sterling Integrator.

Perimeter Server ■ Perimeter server is a software for communications management that –manages the communications flow between outer layers of your network and the TCP-based transport adapters –can be installed in a DMZ (De-Militarized Zone – the zone between a trusted internal network and an untrusted external network Eg: internet) –Provides security and scalability

HTTP Server Adapter ■ The HTTP Server Adapter is based on jetty http engine and provides support for HTTP protocol in the following way –You can run a full fledged web application from a WAR file –You can run a Business Process with the incoming data as primary document ■ It provides a URI based configuration for routing data –The adapter listens on a configured port and can accept simple TCP or secure SSL/TLS connection based on how it is configured –The incoming HTTP request is routed to configured BPs or WAR applications based on URI

HTTP Client Adapter ■ HTTP Client Adapter provides client capabilities in the following way –Scriptable using Business process (BPML) in SI and available in the GPM –Connects to the configured host and sends/receives business data using the HTTP protocol –Supports GET and POST Http methods and secure SSL connections (https) –Supports connecting through a HTTP proxy ■ The client adapter supports big payloads (tested up to 2 GB) and supports more than 150 concurrent transfers

SFTP Server Adapter ■ SFTP Server adapter provides secure file transfer support with SFTP protocol –Works on top of Secure SHell (SSH) protocol for transport security –Uses SSH Host Identity keystore (private keys) and Authorized User key store (public keys) in SI for SSH keys –Capable of exposing a Mailbox or an actual (native) file system directory as the SFTP file system to the connected user –Supports restrictions via Virtual Roots and adapter policies (more on policies later)

SFTP Client Adapter ■ SFTP Client Adapter provides client capabilities in the following way –Scriptable using Business process (BPML) in SI and is available in the GPM –Connects to the configured host and executes specified SFTP commands –Supports SFTP commands like cd, list, get, put, delete, pwd, mkdir, rmdir, move that help in sending/retrieving/organizing business data in the partner's SFTP server –Supports connecting through a HTTP proxy

FTP Server Adapter ■ FTP Server adapter provides support for sending/receiving files using the the FTP protocol –Exposes a Mailbox or an actual (native) file system directory as the FTP file system to the connected user –Supports a large set of FTP commands (rfc 959) –Supports secure SSL/TLS connections (FTPS) –Supports restrictions via Virtual Roots and adapter policies (more on this later) –Supports User Exits (custom code execution on FTP events)

FTP Client Adapter ■ FTP Client Adapter provides client capabilities for the FTP protocol in the following way –Scriptable using Business process (BPML) in SI and is available in the GPM –Connects to the configured host and executes specified FTP commands –Supports FTP commands like cd, list, get, put, delete, pwd, site, quote, move that help in sending/retrieving/organizing business data in the partner's FTP server –Supports FTPS (FTP over SSL) for transport security ■ Tested with large files up to 15 GB

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Sterling Inegrator Map Editor Issues

Issue 1 : 

Map Test is not working

Error Message
Error: Failed opening socket; No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

Reason : 

Resolution :

Need enable the "Map Test Http Server Adapter" service

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Introduction to EAI(webmethods)

The company pioneered the use of web services to connect software applications together within a single organization and across the Internet.
II)Focused On:
1)Application Integration.
2)Business Process Integration.
3)B2B Partner integration.
It is based on the idea to use the new standards of the Web such as HTTP and XML to allow software applications to communicate with one another in a real time.
Series of development consist of:
1)Web Automation Server.
2)Web Methods B2B Integration Server.
IV)Basic Function of this software:
 It is basically an “engine for running services” .A service can be viewed as a black box which performs some computational function. It takes in required data, required messages  and generates the output as required by the required computation. 
The Web method  integration server is a service engine therefore to IS, everything is viewed as a service.
V)Other Components of it are as follows:
1)Integration Servers:
It is the engine for running services .Many other modules are used as an add on the integration server on the top of the IS. Some of the examples are Trading Networks, Flat File Handler and Business Process
Modeler  as well as the administrative GUI’s for other modules.
Features of the Integration Server is as follows:
 a) An engine for running local services, distributed services, web services.
 b) A client enabler to invoke local services, distributed services, web services.
c) To bind two disparate systems.
d) An XML parser and generator.
It uses the Webmethod  Flow Procedural Statements which are :
1) MAP(assignment statement).
2) BRANCH(decision statement).
3) LOOP(iteration statement).
In addition the flow language has the following extra 4 statements:
4) INVOKE (subroutine call).
5) SEQUENCE(compound statement)
7) REPEAT(another iteration)
2) Trading Networks:
It is a service that acts as an interface between the internet and the Webmethod . It tracks down data between the multiple external  partners and an integration server.It performs  task such as
c)Document Identification
d)Logging  and activity monitoring.
It can be viewed as a generalized document router, but in reality it acts as simply another service running with the integration server. It can be invoked via a variety of mechanisms such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, Web Services ,java client or via publish/subscribe.
It acts as separate server which helps to pass data between the multiple instances of the integration Server. In it a service publishes a document to the broker and the broker delivers the document to all services that subscribe to the document. The  Broker performs routing of messages in a reliable and efficient manner.
4)JAVA Service:
Java is used to write for all the services except the running services. The cases  when java should not be used to write services are as follows :
1)The Webmethod developer does not  provide an IDE for java.
2)Java program cannot easily manipulate the pipeline which is used by integration server to pass data among services.
3)Java is harder to implement in comparision to the flow language.
VI)Webmethods  Installation:
Its products are not free and the cost goes up high to have it. The products  can be installed from the internet if you have an access to the appropriate license key.
An installer program WebmethodsInstaller651.exe is needed to access the installation files.
The installation choices are as follows:
a)We can deploy the products online on a single machine kust by opting out for the prompts interactively or via a script file.
b)We can download products to a image file which can be later used for the local deployments,by answering  prompts interactively or via a script file.
VII)Hardware Configuration requirements:
a)2-3 GHz CPU.
b)1-2 GB RAM
c)40-80 GB HDD.
d)Compatible with both Unix and Windows OS(Unix is favored for the production system but windows is better for an experimental purpose).
e)A Database(For example Oracle or SQL Server)
VIII)webMethods  Products :
It produces a lot of the products that focuses on
a)Enterprise Application Integration Market(EAI):
It is concerned with integrating disparate systems such as application servers (SAP, Seibel, Peoplesoft ),
Database management  systems(Oracle, SQL Server, DB2),mainframe and custom applications(J2EE).
b)Business-to-Business market(B2B):
It is concerned with enabling separate  companies to exchange electronic documents , such as purchase orders ,invoices, etc .
IX)Notes(Concepts to be known):
1)XML-RPC: It works by sending a HTTP request to a server implementing the protocol.
Client(software)------------------------->Server(That implements that protocol)
                                  (HTTP Call)
In this multiple input parameters can be passed to remote  method, but only one return value is returned.
2) WIDL (Web Interface Definition Language) is a 1997 standard for interactions between websites.
X)References are as follows:

basic Faqs on EAI (Webmethods) Coninued ....Coninued ....Coninued ....Coninued ....

1)Territories in webmethods?


They holds group of "brokers" which will work as single functional unit.

2)Steps of deploying a service in webmethods?


The steps are as follows:





 3)What are the steps used to deploy?


Use of finally block in exception handling in webmethods

 Lets assume we have a code where we are using open ssh and in the try block we are doing a sftp login .

 So in case of success or error either step we would have to do a logout . So to avoid code duplication both in end of try and catch block we can have a finally block (exit on done). Do a logout in this sequence.

 Also it can hold good when we do a manual connection to a DB and irrespective of success or failure we want  to close connection.

 Main(Exit on success)


|----Try(Exit on Failure)


|----Catch(Exit on Done)

Finally(Exit on Done)

4)What is the variable need to keep in the clearpipeline service preserve.


Clear pipeline service is going to clear the pipeline information.If we did not specify "preserve" in the service all the pipeline information will be lost.If we keep variable in pipeline in "preserve" except the

variable specified in the preserve all the other information will be lost

Posted 15th February 2013 by Saurabh Sharma

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Questions on EAI(webmethods)

1)In which case the transformers should not be used...?

2)In JMS can we publish a document to multiple brokers ? If Possible ,how can we achieve that ?

3)We have created a insert notification ,is there any way to process the document in the subscriber without publishing it .....?

4)In which case we are not advised to use Transformers...?

5)explain try and catch block briefly

6)Can we build loop step with in the branch in such a way that the interface is look like that branch

7)<transactiontype > sequence: Deposit loop <accno> xxxxxx sequence: current loop <accno> xxxxxxx sequence: savings loop <accno> can we achieve  the above senario.

8)what is meant by "Block time out" and "Expire time out " in jdbc adapter configuration


Block timeout: refers to how much time the IS should wait

to get connection from connection pool before throwing


 Expire Timeout:refers to how much time the free connection

stay as it is before it expires.

9)Gate ways in webmethods?


It allows to connect the territories called as gateways.It also allows to connect brokers of different Territories iscalled as gateway.We have one more type of gate ways like gateway service,which is usefull while developing TN documents which are of type FF.So by using Gateway services we can recognize TN Docs.

Troubling Scenarios in EAI(webmethods)

1)Currently, our application running on a Unix machine will generate XML file into a Unix Folder

The Unix Folder is &#39;exposed&#39; to our Window 2000 Server &#40;running webMethods I.S.&#41; via Simba

Our webMethods Integration Server &#40;running on Windows 2000 Server&#41; is
running as a Window Services using an LAN id/password not authorized to access the Unix Folder directly.

Suggested Solution:

1. Map the Unix Folder via Window Exploer &#40;using another user id / password&#41;
2. Create a Window Command File that move all the XML files from
the Unix Folder to local folder &#40;e.g. move &#42;.xml from folder A to
folder B&#41;
3. In my webmethods flow services, I will use a java service &#40;which
run RunTime.exec&#40;commandFile&#41; to invoke the command file to move the
XML files to a local folder, then list all the files in the local
folder, process each XML, convert to EDI &#40;X12 4010 204&#41;, post to TN,
then use webMethods Primary FTP delivery service to FTP to trading


1. If I use Process.waitFor&#40;commandFile&#41; to wait for the move to complete, webMethods just hang there and not moving any files
2. If I do not use Process.waitFor&#40;&#41;, each call the command file just move the 1st couples &#40;actually 5&#41; XML, which the command file should
move every XML files &#40;over 30&#43;&#41;
3. When I use the Primary FTP Delivery Service, webMethods uses the task id as the filename.edi. Anyways that I can do to change it.

Suggested Solution:

According to dk java docs:

&#34;Because some native platforms only provide limited buffer size for standard input and output streams, failure to promptly write the input stream or read the output stream of the subprocess may cause the subprocess to block, and even deadlock&#34;

I&#39;d suggest processing the input/output/error streams.

One other thing am sure you are aware of is that Runtime.exec forks off a new jvm with same jvm settings &#40;Xs/Xm&#41; as the parent. So if you have multiple threads doing these execs, you could unknowingly run out system resources very quickly.

basic Faqs on EAI (Webmethods) Coninued ....Coninued ....Coninued ....

1)When u use REPEATE,EXIT flow steps?


REPEAT step is used when we want a particular step to be

repeated provided with some conditions.

 EXIT step is used to exit from any loop or from the whole

flow step

 2)How many interfaces u implimented so far ?


As per your experience tell the count of interfaces which 

are developed by you. (ex: 20 or 30.....)

 3)By how many ways can we invoke a service?


As per my knowledge , a service can be invoked in 3 ways :

1.Direct Invocation

2.Soap call

3.Publish and subscribe

4)How many kinds of log files in WebMethods and where are they exist???

1)Server Operations and errors that occur on Integration Server, such as starting of Integration Server

subsystems and loading of packages belonging to Integration Server or other webMethods products.

2)Session Sessions opened on Integration Server by clients and Developer users.

3)Error Stack trace information about all errors that occur in Integration Server, including exceptions thrown by


4)Guaranteed delivery Guaranteed delivery transactions.

5)Security Administrative and operational actions on Integration Server, such as modifications to authorization

and authentication, and attempts to access Integration Server resources or perform runtime events.

6)Service Services that run in Integration Server.

7)Business process Business processes modeled in Designer that run on Integration Servers.

8)Task Tasks designed in Designer that run on My WebMethods Server. Tasks can be called from business

processes or can run as standalone tasks.

9)Integration process Integration processes made up of a chain of services that run on Integration Servers.

10)Document In doubt, failed, and retries exceeded documents, and documents that Broker clients publish or

subscribe to on Brokers.

By default, Integration Server stores most of the data in

flat files

5)What is the file (.jar) name that sharing between?


Connector.jar, database.jar, jdeutil.jar, kernel.jar, log4j.jar, xalan.jar, xerces.jar, XTS.jar are the Jar files that you need to paste in the "<EnterpriseOne_install_dir>\system\classes\"

For enterpriseOne versions 8.9 and 8.10...

 6)WebMethods integrated with JD Edwards???


7)How we can catch exception error on run time mode using Flow language in WebMethods??? and how we can send error description as an output parameter????


>  sequence ---------- Succeded

   |--sequence ------------- try block------

   |--sequence ------------- catchBlock-----

       |-- invoke getLastError service

8)How to connect jdbc connection in webmethods without server and with server step by step explain.


9)How to convert documentlist to document? If document list contain documents and documents contain strings field .how to convert?ple tell me any one.


10)What are client groups?


client groups contains a list of clients and it configures which all documents its client could publish and subscribe to.

11)If i have a parent sequence with the property set- exit on success, n the try sequence block set to exit on failure, n the catch sequence block too set to failure, what is the result?


In this case if any step in try block fails it will exit that and come to catch block and if any step in catch block

fails it will exit from the catch block  and skip rest of the flow steps.

12)what are extended settings?


Extended settings are basically done for specifying values to some of the internal keys of Integration server.

Like we can specify java compiler at this setting and whenever we compile any java service IS will take this

compiler only for compiling the java code.

1)What are the new features in 8.0 compared to 7.1?


The new features in 8.0 compared to 7.1 are as follows:

1)My webmethods

    webMethods ApplinX

    webMethods Business Events

    webMethods Business Rules

    webMethods communicate

    webMethods Cntent Service Platform

    webMethods Meadiator

    webMethods OneData

    webMethods ProcessEngine

    webMethods designer


Additionally,XPDL plug-in,BPMN functionality,SOAP 1.2 with Document-Literal only

 In webMethod 8.0 the developing part depends on Designer rather than Developer .And MyWebMethods server plays major role.Apart from that there is no difference.Its a small enhancement.

2)How You Can Delete Session Logs On IS?


The steps are:
1)Go to Installationfolder/IntegrationServer/logs/

2)Here you will find logs in the name WMSESSION_.log

3)Delete this log files.

3)IS is thread or process ?


4)What is indices in MAP flow step?

  5)MAP Step Indices Is When You Have Array of data if you want to MAP One of the element in Array to the target Element then you can Use the indices



6)Which value have to set for EnableAudit log while package replication?

7)What is difference between groups and ACL groups?


Groups: Can be created of people having same  resposibilities. ex:Developer Group.

ACL: With the help of ACL you can grant access to a group or Individual.With ACLs you can grant access to few in a

group.Ex: A user need not belong to Developer group to develop new flows, but he need to belong to a group which is

assigned to Developer ACl.

8)How can try and catch block can be implemented using web methods developer ? Tell the steps to implement it?


1) Build your flow service like this:

 Sequence{Main Block}[EXIT ON: SUCCESS]

    Sequence{Try Block}[EXIT ON: FAILURE]

    Sequence{catch Block}[EXIT ON: DONE]

2) 1)sequence(outer sequence-exit on success).

    2)sequence(Try block with service logic(inner sequence & child

           to outer sequence)-exit on failure). 

                      3)sequence(Catch block with any errors found in try block

           (inner sequence & child to outer sequence)-exit

            on done). 

4)Branch step with retrying the errors  

3)we can insert the finally block by

Sequence(Exit on success)       MAIN

  Sequence( Exit of failure)    TRY

  Sequence( Exit on done)       CATCH

Sequence(Exit on failure)       FINALLY

How you can implement finally block in flow services ?


Build your flow service like this:

Sequence{Main Block}[EXIT ON: SUCCESS]

    Sequence{Try Block}[EXIT ON: FAILURE]

    Sequence{catch Block}[EXIT ON: DONE]

Sequence{finally Block}[EXIT ON: FAILURE]


Sequence{Main Block}[EXIT ON: SUCCESS]

   Sequence{Try Block}[EXIT ON: FAILURE]

   Sequence{Catch Block}[EXIT ON: DONE]

Sequence{Finally Block}[EXIT ON: DONE]// executes all the statements obviously (catch block in flow service is similar to finally block in java)

 9)What is the main difference between webservies 6.5 and webservies 7.1.2


Functionality available in broker admin and JMS admin to MWS under messaging and queue mgmt broker and territory

diagrams and included  SAP Adapter is used to generate document types from RFC

structure, Idoc structure, idoc DTD and xml schema .XSLT service is included to create, edit and execute XSLT’s

New JMS Trigger type that registers destinations on a JMS provide and specifies how to process messages it receives

from those destinations .Dependency manager is implemented for flat file schemas and

dictionaries to get informed about any changes and dependencies.

10)What is the difference between DISABLING a Polling Notification and SUSPENDING a Polling Notification?

11)Can U Explain JDBC Adapter Transaction types..?


We have 3 types of JDBC Adapter Transactions.

 1)NO_TRANSACTION:The connection automatically commits the


 2)LOCAL_TRANSACTION:The connection uses local transactions. If we plan to use the connection with BatchInsertSQL or

BatchUpdateSQl adapter services,we must specify LOCAL_TRANSACTIONS types.

 If we are configuring a BasicNotification and using theexactly once notification and delete stored records options

we must configure the notification to use LOCAL_TRANSACTION type.

 3)XA_TRANSACTION:The connection uses XA transactions.

 When we are connecting to Teradata we use XA transaction.

can u explain abt Pub-Sub Architecture,where do u implemented this?

1) Point-to-point Architecture

2) Point-to-Multiple Architecture

Publisher publishes a document broker then the subscriber receive the document from should make document as publishable at publisher side.

Subscriber should subscribe to that particular document by creating a trigger. The trigger monitors that document. If a subscribed document got published then trigger invokes a service which associates with trigger to handle the document.

This is the general architecture of PUBLISH- SUBSCRIBE model

How to store logs in DB?



basic Faqs on EAI (Webmethods) Coninued .... Coninued ....

1)What is the difference between a loop and a repeat?


1) For Loop we need to give the input as document. for repeat

we need to give the input as number

2) Along with above answer, ideally loop will exit by default

after completing all iterations corresponding to no.of

documents in document list.

repeat will exit onfaiulre/sucess condition

3) Loop and Repeat both are used to execute child steps.

Repeat : Repeat is a conditional based flow step. The execution of child steps will be depends on "REPEAT ON" value( SUCESS / FAILURE  in property panel).

Loop : You should perform a loop operation on array of items(String list/Document list/Object list). Loop operation process each and every array element in the array. you have to give the input array value.

2)What is scope?


Scope Property is used to restrict flow step to access only the elements of a IData Object.For Example if document x

has elements x1,x2,x3,lets say for flow Map step we set the scope as X when the control is in map step we can do

operations only on x1,x2,x3.

 3)If v want to run the server with some other port number , what v need to do ??



1) We need to copy the Integrationtionserver path where the

IS resides & rename it.

2) Go to IS admin.

3) click Ports tab under security

4) Go to Add port & select (webmethods/http)

5) Go to change primary port select the port & update it

4)What are the different ports in IS


There are 10 different type of ports in IS

 1) 5555

 2) 6666

 3) 7777



5)If i have to move packages from one IS to another,wmDeployer?


 If we want to move any one or two packages publish/subscribe is ok. If we want to do code migration

the best is to use wMDeployer.

 2) You can do it in 2 ways.

              1. wmDeveloper.

              2. Admin Console

DEVELOPER : You can copy and paste or drag and drop a package from one server to other.

From Admin console : We can do this by replicating a package and then send or Publish the package to another server.

To do this you should be a member of Replicator ACL.

6)Which process would u suggest, is it through wmDeployer or someother processes like publish/subscribe?


7)Can u explain about trading networks?


A trading network is a set of organizations that have agreed to exchange the business documents. A webMethods

Trading Networks is a component that runs on webMethods Integration Server. Trading Networks enables your

enterprise with other companies and market places to from a business-to-business trading network.

8)How to configure sap adapter 4.1?


9)We can do that same by using java also ,then why do we use webmethods please send me the answer


Java is a language. While webMethods is a tool. webMethods provides lots of build-in services as loke the

API in java.For using the API, in java again we need to wrie some codes.But in webMethods they are providing the drag and drop

facilities. so its a time consuming process.

Apart from this webMethods supports lot of functionality like publish\subscribe, portal developement, brokers etc...


When you can walk, why you need Bike? or if you've bike, do you need car?

Java is a language while webMethods is specialised tool with many built in functions/feature to support guaranteed

deliveries, transaction tracking, resubmissions, data transformation, SOA, Event Management, web service, File,

EDI, JDBC, SAP, JDE, JMS, MQ Series, integration with multiple applications on multiple platform.

If you'd to do all of that by yourself in Java, you'll look at years to develop full proof solution that webMethods can

provide you out of box. As they say, don't reinvent the wheel.

10)I am using Wenmethods 7.1 since many years. I am on Webmethods project. Today my Boss asked me about CLSRIM (Webmethods service, when one server is down, automatically another will take over. Can you please throw some light on above ?


1)You can look at load balancing and clustering part of the webmethods .

2) Its possible with veritas clustering system(VCS)...coordinate with UNIX admins regarding this

11)HOw to handle exceptions in webMethods?


To handle exceptions in webMethods, we use three sequencce step as below -

 First sequence (exit on success)

 - second sequence (exit on failure)

 - third sequence (exit on done)

 Second and third sequences are child steps of first one.

all the business login will come inside second sequence and

what we have to do when exception is there, this logic will

come in third sequence.

12)what is a dictionary?


A flat file dictionary contains record definitions, field definitions, and composite definitions that can be used in

multiple flat file schemas.And also if we want to creat a record which dont have a header we can create it thru Dictionary giving it a name


Posted 15th February 2013 by Saurabh Sharma

basic Faqs on EAI (Webmethods) Coninued ...

 1)What is the difference between Schema and SchemaDT?


Schema is nothing but a structure of document, we can

generate "Document Type" from Schema, and it’s called

SchemaDT.We can say Schema is a blue print.

We can create "Document Type" separately, it is containing

fields, but here we have to add fields manually.

Schema is a flat file schema. schemaDT is a IS Document Type

created/generated from this schema.

2)Can u please tell me abt WebMethods in brief

webMethods is EnterpriseApplicationIntegraton tool. It can

be used to integrate applications within organisation. It

can also be used to integrate third party/vendor

applications.webMethods suite of application can be used to implement



Webemthods is Integration tool. Means ,it integrates different hetrogenious systems. Why integration ? because

hetrogenious systems use different data (types) altogether, to understand each other and run the business together

(i.e. Business exchange) we use this webmethod as a tool which can translilate one data to other without loosing its

data value. This understands both the data types either using xml format or flat file(Simple text) or data base to

data base etc.It is automated tool , i.e. without human intervention it

can be used to transalte the data and so forth using Trigger mechanism. Thats it.


3)When and why should we use transformers and flow services? How are they different from each other?


4)What is Modeler


5)How to create a link between variables?


6)What are Structural transformations ?


7)How to Change the Order of Steps in a Flow Service?


8)How to use SEQUENCE as the Target of a BRANCH?

9)How to Move Flow Steps?


10)How ACLs Affect locking?


11)How to remove a system lock from an element?


System locks can be removed by making the server side files

of the element as redable.right Click on the elemet in

developer which is system locked.and choose the lock

properties.It will display the server side files for the element.

Make the files as readable and click the referesh button

in the developer.You will find that the element is no more


2) Click on management link under packages in Admin page.

then click view locked elements link.You will be redirected

to anoter page,there we can find unlock elemets link.

First check all the system services and then press Unlock

element link.

 12)How to find dependents of a selected element on the server?


Right click on the element for which you have to find the

dependents in the navigational pannel.and click on the

option find dependents.


13)How to open a session on a different server?


Select "session" from the menu in toolbar and click open.

key in the server IP and port on which you have to open the

connection.The user name and password on that server.

14)What is a flat file schema and what are its uses?


Flat file schema is a blueprint which have rules for the

flat file. IS will validate the flat file against this Flat

file schema.Flat file scheme can be used to validate the incoming flat files.

Schema provides definition for flat files against which IS can validate flatfiles

15)How to Find Elements in the Navigation Panel?


Just right click on the element ehich u want to see then u

click Locate in NAvigation option then u can see that

element in the navigation panel.

16)How to Rename and Delete Elements?


To rename an Element

 1) select the element.

 2)RightClick on the element->goto Rename

 3)select the rename option

 To Delete an Element

 1) select the element.

 2)RightClick on the element

 3)select the Delete option


17)How to Restore a Session on a Server?


Developer gets disconnected from the server if the server

goes down or if there is a problem in the network.

Donot close the developer.If you close the developer you

wont be able to save the changes.Once the server come up or

the network problem is resolved. you will be automatically

connected to the server and then you can retsore your


18)What Is Developer?


All the servcies and elements reside on the Integration

server.Developer is a GUI  by which we can

create,edit,delete,test an element in IS.We can even trace

thru the flow steps in a developer.Developer connects to

the serever through the HTTP port configuered on IS.

19)What Is an Element?


Element is an item,which contains folders,services,specifications..etc...

 .Server and packages can not be an element

20)What happens to the locks on elements when we replicate a package?


Locking information is not preserved when u replicate a package.


21)Should we archive derived files?


Yes we can archive the derived files by two ways

 1:We can do in IS how menas we have one option under

packages management if u click that we will get all the

packages list there we have the option to create the

archive for the resp package.

 2:we can create in developer goto file-->export as a ZIP


22)In webMethods Integration Platform, where is the lock information stored (such as names of elements that are locked, when they were locked, etc.)?


Lock information is stored in the webmethods Repository version2


23)What happens to the locks on elements when we upgrade webMethods Integration Platform?


Locking information is not preserved between version of webmethods integration platform

24)Can we multi-select elements to lock or unlock in the Navigation Panel?


Yes but your selection does not contain :


2:folder or package and its content

3:package and any other element

4:adapter notification record


25)What is the difference between a system locked element and a read-only element?

many times webmethods elements are created/deployed under the user context of root user the elements appear system

lock. the read access can explicitly be given to elements through acl by administrator?



26)When to Unlock an Element?


When u want make changes to the elements.

27)When to Lock an Element?


Lock on a element prevents another user from editing that element..

Two types of locks




28)How to Know Who Has an Element Locked?


To know who has locked the service or a document or etc..

right click that particular service or document and select

LOCK PROPERTIES from the menu displayed.

29)What Is a Lock?
30)How to Create an ACL?


ACL can be created using the below mentioned steps.

1 Open the Integration Server Administrator.

2 In the Security menu of the Navigation panel, click ACLs.

3 Click Add and Remove ACLs.

4 Specify one ACL name per line. Press ENTER to separate

the lines.

5 Click Create ACLs.


31)What Happens When a Client Runs a Service with ACLs?

the server checks the ACL assigned service


If the client is a member of an allowed group and is not a member of a

denied group,the server executes the service.if the client is not a member of an allowed group,the server denies the request to invoke the service and stops executing.

What Is an ACL?

What Is a Replication Service?

Replication Service is one that IS automatically executes

when it prepares to replicate a package


What Is a Shutdown Service?

A Shutdown service is the one we can write and add it to

the shutdown services list. these services will be executed

when the server shuts down. In this service we can write

codes to close the network connections, releasing memory


32)What Is a Startup Service?


33)What Is a Package?


A package is a container that is used to bundle services and

related elements, such as specifications, IS document types, IS schemas, and output

templates. When you create a folder, service, specification, IS document type, IS schema,

or output template, you save it in a package.


34)When Is a Copy of the Input Pipeline Saved in the Audit Log?

35)What Are Input and Output Parameters?


Name and datatype

36)What Is a Flow Step?


Flow service contains a flow step.flow step is a basic unit of work that webMethods Integration Server interprets and

executes at run time.


37)What Is a Flow Service?


Flow service is a service written in webmethods flow language..this is simple yet and power full language.

38)What Does a Flow Service Look Like in Diagram View?


Flow diagram view, like flow tree view, is a view of a flow service that Developer displays in the editor.


39)When Should You Use Flow Diagram View?


40)What Is Flow Diagram View?


41)What Is Dimensionality?


Dimensionality refers to the number of arrays to which a variable belongs.


42.What Are Transformers?

Ans.Transformers are the services you use to accomplish value transformations on the Pipeline


You can only insert a transformer into a MAP step.

You can use any service as a transformer.

This includes any Java, C or flow service that you create

and any built-in

services in WmPublic, such as the and the pub.string.concat

services. By using transformers, you can invoke multiple

services (and perform multiple

value transformations) in a single flow step.

43)What Is the Pipeline Editor?


Pipeline Editor is a place which enables Data elements to be

visually mapped from a service to another.

It also allows the elements to be dropped after or before

any service or Hardcore the values of any variable needed

for the next step service.

44)What Does an IS Schema Look Like?


The Apperance and content of IS Schema depends on whether

you generate an Is Schema from XML shema or DTD

If u cretae an IS schema from xml shema ,the

resulting IS schema displays type difinitions,element

declarations and attribute declarations.

If u create an IS schema from DTD,the resulting IS

shema displays element type declaration

45)How to Create an IS Schema?


An IS schema can be created by following these steps:

1. First create a webMethods document

2. Run the service pub.schema:createXSD

3. Give the input parameter the fully qualified name of

your document. The output parameter xsd/source has the text

schema representation of your document. Save this to a file

(e.g. sample.xsd)

4. In the appropriate folder create a New Schema

5. Give the schema a name

6. Select XML Schema and give the filename of the saved

file (e.g. sample.xsd)

46)What Is Data Validated Against?


During validation, run-time data is compared to a blueprint

or model. The blueprint or model is a formal description of the structure and the allowable content for the data. The

blueprint identifies structural and content constraints for

the data being validated. The validation engine in webMethods Integration Serverconsiders the data to be valid when it conforms to the constraints specified in the blueprint. A blueprint can be an IS schema, an IS document type, or a set of input and output parameters.

47)What Is Data Validation?


Data Validation is the process of verifying that run-time

data conforms to a predefined structure and format. It also

verifies that the run-time data is a specific datatype and

falls within a defined range of values.


48)What Happens When a Breakpoint is Encountered?


49)How Java Services Are Organized on the webmethods Server?


50)Is Source Control the Same as Locking?


No. Locking is one component of a full source management

solution. Source control is designed to allow the administrator to archive and maintain

multiple file revisions. Many source control applications also allow the administrator to

tag revisions, run revision history reports, and other functions. Lock functionality

allows the user or administrator to control who is working on a particular element at a

particular time.


51)What Is a Third-Party Source Control Application?


A third-party source control application is a product

designed to help an administrator archive versions of files in a development environment.

Such products include PVCS,CVS, Visual Source Safe, and Perforce.

52)How webMethods Developer Supports Tables?


There is an element called Adapter Service in Web methods.Using this element u can create adapter service like

insert,update and delete,select the records from table.Before that u have to create Adapter Connection in

Integration server under Jdbc Adapter.

53)What Is a Regular Expression?


Regular Expression in webmethod is a pattern matching technique, highly used in XQL and WQL.


54)What Happens When an Event Occurs?


There are various types of events that occur in Integration

Server.e.e Session start, session end, session timeout,

alarm, exception etc. These can be seen in Developer Event

Manager. Go to Tools menu in the menu bar on the developer

and click on Event Manager.

We can invoke a service when a particular event occurs in

this event manager. e.g: we can invoke a particular service

when an exception occurs in any of the IS services. This is

helpfull when we want to implement custom/generic

exception  handling framework.

55)What Are Event Handlers?


Event handlers are the services that you write to perform some actions when a specific event occurs.

56)How many minutes have you spent in your lifetime reading documentation or actually (gasp) working with any webMethods product on a real project?


57)In what folder is the webMethods documentation for the Broker Admin package located?

located at


<webmethods installation directory>/Broker/docs/BrokerAdminGuide.pdf

58)In what folder is the webMethods documentation for Broker located?


Broker documentation can be located in the following


<Webmethods installation Diretory>/Broker/docs.For this broker needs to be installed on the system.

59)Can you spell SAP, ERP, CRM, XML and EDI properly?


Systems appications & Products

Enterprise Resource Planning

Customer Relationship Management

Extended Markup language

Electronic Data Interchange

basic Faqs on EAI(webmethods)

Q.What is webMethods? 
A.A company that provides integration tools. The key products include Integration Server, Enterprise Server, Business Integrator, Workflow and Mainframe Integration Server. webMethods is a company, not a product.
Q.What are the modules of webMethods Product Suite? 
1.Integration and B2B 
2.Service Oriented Architecture 
3.Business Process Management 
4.Business Activity Monitoring
Q.What are the tools of webMethods Integration ? 
1.webMethods Adapters 
2.webMethods Developer 
3.webMethods Integration Server 
4.webMethods Integration Platform 
5.webMethods Broker 
6.webMethods Monitor 
7.webMethods Optimize for Infrastructure 
8.webMethods Trading Networks 
9.webMethods EDI Module 
10.webMethods EDIINT 
11.webMethods eStandards Modules 
12.webMethods PIM
Q.What Is Developer? 
A.webMethods Developer is a graphical development tool that you use to build, edit, and test integration logic. It provides an integrated development environment in which to develop the logic and supporting objects that carry out the work of an integration solution. It also provides tools for testing and debugging the solutions you create.
Q.What Is an Element? 
A.An element is an item that exists in the Navigation panel in webMethods Developer.Elements include folders, services, specifications, IS document types, triggers, and ISschemas. In the Navigation panel, servers and packages are not considered to be elements.
Q.What Is a Startup Service? 
A.A startup service is one that Integration Server automatically executes when it loads a package into memory.
Q.What Is a Flow Service? 
A.A flow service is a service that is written in the webMethods flow language. This simple yet powerful language lets you encapsulate a sequence of services within a single service and manage the flow of data among them.
Q.What Is the Pipeline? 
A.The pipeline is the general term used to refer to the data structure in which input and output values are maintained for a flow service. It allows services in the flow to share data.The pipeline starts with the input to the flow service and collects inputs and outputs from subsequent services in the flow. When a service in the flow executes, it has access to all data in the pipeline at that point.
Q.How to invoke a service from a browser ? 
A.Use a URL in the form:
(the package name is not part of the URL in any way)
Q.What happens when the pub.flow:tracePipeline service is invoked? 
A.The Integration Server logs the name-value pairs in the pipeline at that time.
Q.When creating a BRANCH flow element, what is the purpose of the "scope" field on the properties tab? 
A.To restrict pipeline access to only the data in this document
Q.What is the primary function of the built-in pub.flow:savePipeline service? 
A.Save the current pipeline to a named memory location on the Integration Server
Q.When you create and save the FLOW "my.pack:myFlow" in the "MyPack" package, where will you find the code? 
A.In the "MyPack\ns\my\pack\myFlow\flow.xml" file
Q.What is the Branch operation? 
A.Branch operation conditionally executes an operation based on the value of a variable at run time
Q.What is the default behavior, if a Flow EXIT does not specify a "from"? 
A.$loop will be assumed, and a com.wm.lang.flow.FlowException will be thrown if the EXIT is not in a LOOP
Q.An Integration Server package may have one or more startup services. When does a startup service execute? 
A.Whenever the package is loaded or re-loaded
Q.By default, the webMethods Integration Server has an HTTP listener assigned to which port? 
Q.How can the webMethods Integration Server logging date format be changed? 
A.By editing the watt.server.dateStampFmt parameter in the server.cnf file
Q.When coding IS Services, how can a variable of type Document Type be represented in Java? 
A.Variable of type Document Type be represented as "IData " .For a REPEAT operation to execute as long as the specified repeat condition remains true, the count parameter needs to be set to: AThe count parameter needs to be set to "-1 " .
Q.When creating Flow services, what is the purpose of a SEQUENCE operation? 
A.The purpose of Sequence operation is to group a subset of Flow operations so that they are treated as a unit.
Q.If the webMethods Integration Server is started with from the server root directory with this command, "bin\server.bat -debug 9 -log none", what does this tell the server to do? 
A.Start in level 9 debug mode and write all server log information to the screen.
Q.The Integration Server requires access to the Java classes for each JDBC driver that it will use. Typically, where must such Java classes be placed? 
Q.The Flow Services are physically stored on the webMethods Integration Server in the form of?
A.Flow Services are physically stored on the webMethods Integration Server as "XML" files.
Q.What is the default behavior if a Flow EXIT does not specify a "from"? 
A.The EXIT will throw an java.lang.NullPointerException.
Q.After a default installation, in order to use the pub.file:getFile service, what needs to be done? does not require any modifications to the Integration Server.
Q.What happens when the pub.flow:tracePipeline service is invoked? 
A.The Integration Server logs the name-value pairs in the pipeline at that time
Q.How to use SEQUENCE as the Target of a BRANCH? 
A.Set evaluate label property of branch step to true. Then set the label property of sequence with the value on which it needs to be processed.

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