Tuesday, May 5, 2015

basic Faqs on EAI (Webmethods) Coninued ....Coninued ....Coninued ....Coninued ....

1)Territories in webmethods?


They holds group of "brokers" which will work as single functional unit.

2)Steps of deploying a service in webmethods?


The steps are as follows:





 3)What are the steps used to deploy?


Use of finally block in exception handling in webmethods

 Lets assume we have a code where we are using open ssh and in the try block we are doing a sftp login .

 So in case of success or error either step we would have to do a logout . So to avoid code duplication both in end of try and catch block we can have a finally block (exit on done). Do a logout in this sequence.

 Also it can hold good when we do a manual connection to a DB and irrespective of success or failure we want  to close connection.

 Main(Exit on success)


|----Try(Exit on Failure)


|----Catch(Exit on Done)

Finally(Exit on Done)

4)What is the variable need to keep in the clearpipeline service preserve.


Clear pipeline service is going to clear the pipeline information.If we did not specify "preserve" in the service all the pipeline information will be lost.If we keep variable in pipeline in "preserve" except the

variable specified in the preserve all the other information will be lost

Posted 15th February 2013 by Saurabh Sharma

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Questions on EAI(webmethods)

1)In which case the transformers should not be used...?

2)In JMS can we publish a document to multiple brokers ? If Possible ,how can we achieve that ?

3)We have created a insert notification ,is there any way to process the document in the subscriber without publishing it .....?

4)In which case we are not advised to use Transformers...?

5)explain try and catch block briefly

6)Can we build loop step with in the branch in such a way that the interface is look like that branch

7)<transactiontype > sequence: Deposit loop <accno> xxxxxx sequence: current loop <accno> xxxxxxx sequence: savings loop <accno> can we achieve  the above senario.

8)what is meant by "Block time out" and "Expire time out " in jdbc adapter configuration


Block timeout: refers to how much time the IS should wait

to get connection from connection pool before throwing


 Expire Timeout:refers to how much time the free connection

stay as it is before it expires.

9)Gate ways in webmethods?


It allows to connect the territories called as gateways.It also allows to connect brokers of different Territories iscalled as gateway.We have one more type of gate ways like gateway service,which is usefull while developing TN documents which are of type FF.So by using Gateway services we can recognize TN Docs.

Troubling Scenarios in EAI(webmethods)

1)Currently, our application running on a Unix machine will generate XML file into a Unix Folder

The Unix Folder is &#39;exposed&#39; to our Window 2000 Server &#40;running webMethods I.S.&#41; via Simba

Our webMethods Integration Server &#40;running on Windows 2000 Server&#41; is
running as a Window Services using an LAN id/password not authorized to access the Unix Folder directly.

Suggested Solution:

1. Map the Unix Folder via Window Exploer &#40;using another user id / password&#41;
2. Create a Window Command File that move all the XML files from
the Unix Folder to local folder &#40;e.g. move &#42;.xml from folder A to
folder B&#41;
3. In my webmethods flow services, I will use a java service &#40;which
run RunTime.exec&#40;commandFile&#41; to invoke the command file to move the
XML files to a local folder, then list all the files in the local
folder, process each XML, convert to EDI &#40;X12 4010 204&#41;, post to TN,
then use webMethods Primary FTP delivery service to FTP to trading


1. If I use Process.waitFor&#40;commandFile&#41; to wait for the move to complete, webMethods just hang there and not moving any files
2. If I do not use Process.waitFor&#40;&#41;, each call the command file just move the 1st couples &#40;actually 5&#41; XML, which the command file should
move every XML files &#40;over 30&#43;&#41;
3. When I use the Primary FTP Delivery Service, webMethods uses the task id as the filename.edi. Anyways that I can do to change it.

Suggested Solution:

According to dk java docs:

&#34;Because some native platforms only provide limited buffer size for standard input and output streams, failure to promptly write the input stream or read the output stream of the subprocess may cause the subprocess to block, and even deadlock&#34;

I&#39;d suggest processing the input/output/error streams.

One other thing am sure you are aware of is that Runtime.exec forks off a new jvm with same jvm settings &#40;Xs/Xm&#41; as the parent. So if you have multiple threads doing these execs, you could unknowingly run out system resources very quickly.

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