Tuesday, May 5, 2015

basic Faqs on EAI (Webmethods) Coninued ....Coninued ....Coninued ....

1)When u use REPEATE,EXIT flow steps?


REPEAT step is used when we want a particular step to be

repeated provided with some conditions.

 EXIT step is used to exit from any loop or from the whole

flow step

 2)How many interfaces u implimented so far ?


As per your experience tell the count of interfaces which 

are developed by you. (ex: 20 or 30.....)

 3)By how many ways can we invoke a service?


As per my knowledge , a service can be invoked in 3 ways :

1.Direct Invocation

2.Soap call

3.Publish and subscribe

4)How many kinds of log files in WebMethods and where are they exist???

1)Server Operations and errors that occur on Integration Server, such as starting of Integration Server

subsystems and loading of packages belonging to Integration Server or other webMethods products.

2)Session Sessions opened on Integration Server by clients and Developer users.

3)Error Stack trace information about all errors that occur in Integration Server, including exceptions thrown by


4)Guaranteed delivery Guaranteed delivery transactions.

5)Security Administrative and operational actions on Integration Server, such as modifications to authorization

and authentication, and attempts to access Integration Server resources or perform runtime events.

6)Service Services that run in Integration Server.

7)Business process Business processes modeled in Designer that run on Integration Servers.

8)Task Tasks designed in Designer that run on My WebMethods Server. Tasks can be called from business

processes or can run as standalone tasks.

9)Integration process Integration processes made up of a chain of services that run on Integration Servers.

10)Document In doubt, failed, and retries exceeded documents, and documents that Broker clients publish or

subscribe to on Brokers.

By default, Integration Server stores most of the data in

flat files

5)What is the file (.jar) name that sharing between?


Connector.jar, database.jar, jdeutil.jar, kernel.jar, log4j.jar, xalan.jar, xerces.jar, XTS.jar are the Jar files that you need to paste in the "<EnterpriseOne_install_dir>\system\classes\"

For enterpriseOne versions 8.9 and 8.10...

 6)WebMethods integrated with JD Edwards???


7)How we can catch exception error on run time mode using Flow language in WebMethods??? and how we can send error description as an output parameter????


>  sequence ---------- Succeded

   |--sequence ------------- try block------

   |--sequence ------------- catchBlock-----

       |-- invoke getLastError service

8)How to connect jdbc connection in webmethods without server and with server step by step explain.


9)How to convert documentlist to document? If document list contain documents and documents contain strings field .how to convert?ple tell me any one.


10)What are client groups?


client groups contains a list of clients and it configures which all documents its client could publish and subscribe to.

11)If i have a parent sequence with the property set- exit on success, n the try sequence block set to exit on failure, n the catch sequence block too set to failure, what is the result?


In this case if any step in try block fails it will exit that and come to catch block and if any step in catch block

fails it will exit from the catch block  and skip rest of the flow steps.

12)what are extended settings?


Extended settings are basically done for specifying values to some of the internal keys of Integration server.

Like we can specify java compiler at this setting and whenever we compile any java service IS will take this

compiler only for compiling the java code.

1)What are the new features in 8.0 compared to 7.1?


The new features in 8.0 compared to 7.1 are as follows:

1)My webmethods

    webMethods ApplinX

    webMethods Business Events

    webMethods Business Rules

    webMethods communicate

    webMethods Cntent Service Platform

    webMethods Meadiator

    webMethods OneData

    webMethods ProcessEngine

    webMethods designer


Additionally,XPDL plug-in,BPMN functionality,SOAP 1.2 with Document-Literal only

 In webMethod 8.0 the developing part depends on Designer rather than Developer .And MyWebMethods server plays major role.Apart from that there is no difference.Its a small enhancement.

2)How You Can Delete Session Logs On IS?


The steps are:
1)Go to Installationfolder/IntegrationServer/logs/

2)Here you will find logs in the name WMSESSION_.log

3)Delete this log files.

3)IS is thread or process ?


4)What is indices in MAP flow step?

  5)MAP Step Indices Is When You Have Array of data if you want to MAP One of the element in Array to the target Element then you can Use the indices



6)Which value have to set for EnableAudit log while package replication?

7)What is difference between groups and ACL groups?


Groups: Can be created of people having same  resposibilities. ex:Developer Group.

ACL: With the help of ACL you can grant access to a group or Individual.With ACLs you can grant access to few in a

group.Ex: A user need not belong to Developer group to develop new flows, but he need to belong to a group which is

assigned to Developer ACl.

8)How can try and catch block can be implemented using web methods developer ? Tell the steps to implement it?


1) Build your flow service like this:

 Sequence{Main Block}[EXIT ON: SUCCESS]

    Sequence{Try Block}[EXIT ON: FAILURE]

    Sequence{catch Block}[EXIT ON: DONE]

2) 1)sequence(outer sequence-exit on success).

    2)sequence(Try block with service logic(inner sequence & child

           to outer sequence)-exit on failure). 

                      3)sequence(Catch block with any errors found in try block

           (inner sequence & child to outer sequence)-exit

            on done). 

4)Branch step with retrying the errors  

3)we can insert the finally block by

Sequence(Exit on success)       MAIN

  Sequence( Exit of failure)    TRY

  Sequence( Exit on done)       CATCH

Sequence(Exit on failure)       FINALLY

How you can implement finally block in flow services ?


Build your flow service like this:

Sequence{Main Block}[EXIT ON: SUCCESS]

    Sequence{Try Block}[EXIT ON: FAILURE]

    Sequence{catch Block}[EXIT ON: DONE]

Sequence{finally Block}[EXIT ON: FAILURE]


Sequence{Main Block}[EXIT ON: SUCCESS]

   Sequence{Try Block}[EXIT ON: FAILURE]

   Sequence{Catch Block}[EXIT ON: DONE]

Sequence{Finally Block}[EXIT ON: DONE]// executes all the statements obviously (catch block in flow service is similar to finally block in java)

 9)What is the main difference between webservies 6.5 and webservies 7.1.2


Functionality available in broker admin and JMS admin to MWS under messaging and queue mgmt broker and territory

diagrams and included  SAP Adapter is used to generate document types from RFC

structure, Idoc structure, idoc DTD and xml schema .XSLT service is included to create, edit and execute XSLT’s

New JMS Trigger type that registers destinations on a JMS provide and specifies how to process messages it receives

from those destinations .Dependency manager is implemented for flat file schemas and

dictionaries to get informed about any changes and dependencies.

10)What is the difference between DISABLING a Polling Notification and SUSPENDING a Polling Notification?

11)Can U Explain JDBC Adapter Transaction types..?


We have 3 types of JDBC Adapter Transactions.

 1)NO_TRANSACTION:The connection automatically commits the


 2)LOCAL_TRANSACTION:The connection uses local transactions. If we plan to use the connection with BatchInsertSQL or

BatchUpdateSQl adapter services,we must specify LOCAL_TRANSACTIONS types.

 If we are configuring a BasicNotification and using theexactly once notification and delete stored records options

we must configure the notification to use LOCAL_TRANSACTION type.

 3)XA_TRANSACTION:The connection uses XA transactions.

 When we are connecting to Teradata we use XA transaction.

can u explain abt Pub-Sub Architecture,where do u implemented this?

1) Point-to-point Architecture

2) Point-to-Multiple Architecture

Publisher publishes a document broker then the subscriber receive the document from broker.you should make document as publishable at publisher side.

Subscriber should subscribe to that particular document by creating a trigger. The trigger monitors that document. If a subscribed document got published then trigger invokes a service which associates with trigger to handle the document.

This is the general architecture of PUBLISH- SUBSCRIBE model

How to store logs in DB?




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