Hello All ,
Very recently I have worked on below project and I have implemented successfully. Just I want to share some insights about this project.
Business Requirement : AuthorityBuy.com company wants to do business with Amazon to sell their products. As part of their business requirement , AuthorityBuy.com wants to exchanges their business standard documents like 850 , 855 , 856 etc. with Amazon using AS2 communication channel. So they are looking for low cost based in-house AS2 setup with any free open source AS2 application. After analyzing the available different open source AS2 applications options like OpenAS2 , Mandelson AS2 , AS2Secure etc. , They have decided to use AS2Secure application.
Solution Implementation : As part of solution implementation , initially need to have any one web server (Ex. Apache , lighttpd etc) and registered domain name to send or receive files to/from external world. After installing Lighttpd webserver we need to map the domain name with one port to this webserver to handle any requests coming from external world. After that we have installed AS2Secure application on Linux platform and configured to handle AS2 requests and sending corresponding MDN acknowledgements over http protocol.
Responsibilities :
*** Installing and configuring Lighttpd webserver for receiving HTTP requests from external world.
*** Installing AS2Secure server for AS2 handling
*** Configuring AS2Secure server to handle any http requests over AS2
*** Done the EDI configurations for AuthorityBuy.com company in Amazon vendor central partner setups
*** Did some changes in AS2Secure PHP code and did the testing of outbound connection from Amazon
*** Troubleshooting connectivity issues and fixed the issues and getting successful response from partner AS2 server by getting positive MDN
*** Did the teting of inbound connection to Amazon and fixing the connectivity issues.
*** Providing support after implementing successful connectivity between Amazon and AuthorityBuy.com partner
*** Had documented the changes which we have done to current system while implementing connectivity setup