Monday, September 26, 2011

ANSI X12 TRANSACTIONS between 601 - 998

601 US Customs Export Shipment Information
Used by exporters or their agents, carriers, and service providers to transmit export shipment information to the
US Customs Service (USCS).
602 Transportation Services Tender
Used to communicate rates and tender information. It permits the transmission of one docket containing all data
for tender, such as names of parties, commodities, location points, shipment conditions, notes, rates (point-topoint,
scale), and other changes. This transaction set is used by a carrier to submit a new tender or amendments to
an existing tender. Also used by the government to distribute transportation rates to interested parties. This
transaction set fulfills the US government requirements for tender offers but is not restricted to government use
only. This transaction set is multidirectional between trading parties.
620 Excavation Communication
Used to communicate information related to excavations for the purpose of attaining either clearance for the
excavation or to have the potentially impacted parties locate any affected assets and supervise the excavation
process or both.
625 Well Information
Facilitates the exchange of engineering, geological and environmental information related to non-financial well
activities. It can be used between private industry trading partners to relay information about joint venture well
activities or between private industry and government agencies.
650 Maintenance Service Order
Provides a uniform, singular medium for the exchange of maintenance related information among organizations
involved in the reporting, requesting, scheduling, planning, estimating, coordinating and performing of
maintenance actions. Also provides the structure to convey maintenance-related information, including
maintenance action directives, maintenance actions, cost estimates, maintenance action assignments, maintenance
action status, and completion reports. This transaction set can be used in a bi-directional environment alone or in
conjunction with the Project Schedule Reporting Transaction Set (806) to link schedule and maintenance action
information as well as with the Specifications/Technical information Transaction Set (841) to link maintenancerelated,
media independent, technical data.
715 Intermodal Group Loading Plan
Used by intermodal or domestic shippers and carriers to provide detailed information on the stowage of containers
and other equipment aboard a train. The stowage information may be planned or actual and may be by block or
by railcar.
753 Request for Routing Instructions
Used to request routing instructions and provide general information about merchandise that is ready to be
754 Routing Instructions
Used to communicate routing instructions to a supplier for a specific shipment. Also used to respond to a Request
for Routing Instructions Transaction Set (753).
805 Contract Pricing Proposal
Enables the transmission of cost and pricing data for a given contract action and provides pricing support detail
data or references where that data can be found in the proposal.
806 Project Schedule Reporting
Provides for the transmission of planning, scheduling, and status information. The purpose of this transaction set
is to establish an initial plan, report progress against the plan, and report changes to the plan. It is designed to
serve the needs of government agencies, prime contractors and their subcontractors.
810 Invoice
Used to provide for customary and established business and industry practice relative to the billing for goods and
services provided.
811 Consolidated Service Invoice Statement
Provides for the billing or reporting of complex and structured service invoice/statement detail.
This standard can be used by organizations who are interested in sending or receiving either consolidated or
standalone invoices for service arrangements which require processing other than that done for the typical product
The Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement can be used as a credit/debit memo to differentiate between payable
invoice items and information-only memo items.
812 Credit/Debit Adjustment
Used to notify a trading partner of an adjustment or billback and may be used to request an adjustment or billback.
It identifies and contains the details and amounts covering exceptions, adjustments, credits, or debits for goods or
services. This transaction set is multidirectional between trading partners.
813 Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data
Used by tax filers to electronically file tax returns with a federal, state, or local taxing authority and which may
initiate payments related to the tax return.
814 General Request, Response or Confirmation
Used to request actions to be performed, to respond to a request for actions to be performed or to confirm
information related to actions performed.
815 Cryptographic Service Message
Used to provide the data format required for cryptographic key management including the automated distribution
and exchange of keys. The mechanism uses X12 structures and data formats and is based on existing standards
such as X509 and ANSI X3 and X9 developed by the Accredited Standards Committees (ASCs) X9 and X12.
The standard provides an X12 format for key distribution and exchange. The Cryptographic Service Message
CSM transaction conveys the pertinent keying material for use in the EDI environment. The business
requirements addressed in this standard for the key management data encompasses distribution and exchange of
keying material in support of authentication, encryption and assurances.
816 Organizational Relationships
Used to transmit pertinent information about a parent organization, its members and the relationship of a member
to another member, and/or to the parent organization. A parent organization could be an association, a multihospital
system, a chain of retail stores, a holding company, etc.
This transaction set can be used to convey the identity and relationship of members to a parent organization;
identify eligibility to purchase under the terms and conditions negotiated by a parent organization on behalf of its
members; and to update application databases.
818 Commission Sales Report
Used to allow a retailer to advise a trading partner of commission sales and salary information. Commission data
enables a trading partner to reconcile commission payments and salary support.
819 Joint Interest Billing and Operating Expense Statement
Used to transmit periodic expense details from the operator of an asset to the various owners of that asset (e.g., the
operation of a petroleum lease or property having multiple owners).
820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice
Used to make a payment, send a remittance advice, or make a payment and send a remittance advice.
This transaction set can be an order to a financial institution to make a payment to a payee. It can also be a
remittance advice identifying the detail needed to perform cash application to the payee’s accounts receivable
system. The remittance advice can go directly from payer to payee, through a financial institution, or through a
third party agent.
821 Financial Information Reporting
Used to report balances, detail and summary financial transactions, and other related financial account
822 Account Analysis
Used to transmit detailed balance, service charge and adjustment detail primarily from a bank to its corporate
clients. However, this transaction set can also be used between or within corporations.
823 Lockbox
Used to transmit lockbox (incoming payments) information and totals from a bank or any other lockbox service
provider to a company.
824 Application Advice
Used to provide the ability to report the results of an application system’s data content edits of transaction set.
The results of editing transaction sets can be reported at the functional group and transaction set level, in either
coded or free-form format. It is designed to accommodate the business need of reporting the acceptance, rejection
or acceptance with change of any transaction set.
826 Tax Information Exchange
Bi-directional transaction set which can be used to exchange tax information between various tax agencies and
other authorized parties.
827 Financial Return Notice
Used to report to the originator the inability to process, or modifications to, the original payment order.
828 Debit Authorization
Used to provide information from the paying entity to the financial institution regarding debits that the paying
entity has authorized against its account. The financial institution would hold this information then match it
against incoming debits to determine whether those debits have been authorized by the account holder.
This transaction set can be used to add new authorizations or cancel existing authorizations.
With regard to electronic debits, this would be used for ACH debit processing only. This transaction set can also
be used for paper-based debits (i.e., checks). In the paper-based world, this transaction set would serve the
purpose of the “issuance file” or “check register” used in account reconciliation applications.
Either one-time or recurring debits can be authorized with this transaction set.
One transaction set can be used to identify multiple debit authorization details against one bank account.
829 Payment Cancellation
Used to cancel a previously transmitted electronic payment between an originating company and its originating
financial institution before funds are released.
830 Planning Schedule with Release Capability
Used to provide for customary and established business practice relative to the transfer of forecasting/material
release information between organizations.
The planning schedule transaction may be used in various ways or in a combination of ways, such as: (1) a simple
forecast; (2) a forecast with the buyer’s authorization for the seller to commit to resources, such as labor or
material; (3) a forecast that is also used as an order release mechanism, containing such elements as resource
authorizations, period-to-date cumulative quantities, and specific ship/delivery patterns for requirements that have
been represented in “buckets,” such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly. The order release forecast may also contain
all data related to purchase orders, as required, because the order release capability eliminates the need for discrete
generation of purchase orders.
831 Application Control Totals
Used to transmit totals associated with a collection of like transactions.
The items reported in this transaction set must be of the same transaction set ID code.
832 Price/Sales Catalog
Used to provide for customary and established business and industry practice relative to furnishing or requesting
the price of goods or services in the form of a catalog.
833 Mortgage Credit Report Order
Used by a mortgage originator to request, track, and cancel a series of value-added, investigative credit reports
which are typically required in mortgage lending. It is a collection of borrower information that is needed to order
a mortgage credit report.
834 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance
Used to establish communication between the sponsor of the insurance product and the payer. Such transaction(s)
may or may not take place through a third party administrator (TPA).
For the purpose of this standard, the sponsor is the party or entity that ultimately pays for the coverage benefit or
product. A sponsor can be an employer, union, government agency, association, or insurance agency.
The payer refers to an entity that pays claims, administers the insurance product or benefit, or both. A payer can
be an insurance company, health maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO),
government agency (Medicare, Medicaid, Champus, etc). or an entity that may be contracted by one of these
former groups.
For the purpose of the 834 transaction set, a third party administrator (TPA) can be contracted by a sponsor to
handle data gathering from those covered by the sponsor if the sponsor does not elect to perform this function
835 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice
Used to make a payment, send an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) remittance advice, or make a payment and send
an EOB remittance advice only from a health care provider either directly or via a financial institution.
836 Procurement Notices
Used by the buyer to notify the seller or other interested parties of the award or pending award of a contract which
may contain some indefinite features, such as delivery schedule, location, and/or quantities. This transaction set
can also be used for purchasing actions such as the notification of intent to award or actual award of a small
business set-aside purchase, notification of being outside of the competitive range, notice of receipt of protest,
notice of receipt of a late bid, notice of bid rejection, notice of the disposition of an unsolicited proposal, public
notice of the abstract of bids, and the notification of the award of a requirements type contract.
837 Health Care Claim
Used to submit health care claim billing information, encounter information, or both, from providers of health care
services to payers, either directly or via intermediary billers and claims clearinghouses. It can also b e used to
transmit health care claims and billing payment information between payers with different payment
responsibilities where coordination of benefits is required or between payers and regulatory agencies to monitor
the rendering, billing, and/or payment of health care services within a specific health care/insurance industry
For purposes of this standard, providers of health care products or services may include entities such as
physicians, hospitals and other medical facilities or suppliers, dentists, and pharmacies, and entities providing
medical information to meet regulatory requirements. The payer refers to a third party entity that pays claims or
administers the insurance product or benefit or both. For example, a payer may be an insurance company, health
maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO), government agency (Medicare,
Medicaid, Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), etc.) or an entity such
as a third party administrator (TPA) or third party organization (TPO) that may be contracted by one of those
groups. A regulatory agency is an entity responsible, by law or rule, for administering and monitoring a statutory
benefits program or a specific health care/insurance industry segment.
838 Trading Partner Profile
Used to request, change, verify or transmit business profile information to or from a trading partner. This
information can be used by the receiver to facilitate the processing of the sender’s business transactions.
The transaction set may be used to convey government survey information, business classification, general survey
information, summary supplier ratings, changes in the EDI environment information, tax information, entity
relationships, and general business profile information to update automated information data bases between
trading partners.
839 Project Cost Reporting
Provides the transmission of cost and schedule information to support performance measurement (earned value)
program management reporting, and contract funds status reporting. This transaction set will also support the
Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Energy (DoE), NASA, and other government agency Cost/Schedule
Control Systems Criteria (C/SCSC) and funds status reporting requirements. It is designed to serve the needs of
government agencies, prime contractors, and their subcontractors.
840 Request for Quotation
Used to provide potential buyers with the ability to solicit price, delivery schedule, and other items from potential
sellers of goods and services.
841 Specifications/Technical Information
Used to transmit engineering change and engineering change requests. It can also be used to allow EDI trading
partners the ability to exchange a complete or partial technical description of a product, process, service, etc. over
the same path as any other EDI transaction. The detail area can include graphic, text, parametric, tabular, image,
spectral, or audio data. A transmission includes identification information to assist the receiver in interpreting and
utilizing the information included in the transaction.
Further action as a consequence of the receipt and initial processing of the specification or other technical data
may or may not require human intervention. The transmission and receipt of the data may require private
agreement between the trading partners to automate the receipt of the data.
The total transaction must be in the general form of all ASC X12 transactions so that an EDI computer system will
able to automatically recognize it as a Specification/Technical Information Transaction Set and pass it on for
processing of the data itself. The transaction set is not media dependent.
The detail area of the Specification/Technical Information Transaction Set provides a structure which allows for
the exchange of a variety of specification information. For example, if the transaction contains information
describing a complete assembly, it would be necessary to include the assembly model, the models for each of the
individual parts, and the associated specifications. In the case of a process it may be necessary to transmit the
specification of the product along with the specifications of the process and raw materials. This transaction set
can also be linked to other transaction sets.
This transaction set is not limited to a specific transmission protocol and uses other standards as applicable where
they do not conflict with these requirements for specification transaction.
842 Nonconformance Report
Used to report products and processes that do not fulfill specifications or requirements.
The Nonconformance Report Transaction Set provides the ability for the sender to report the nonconformance at
the level of detail that is required. It also provides the ability to report the specific nonconformance. The
Nonconformance Report Transaction Set may be used to report, initiate, or request actions related to the
nonconformance being reported. Financial and accounting information is provided for reporting purposes only.
The Nonconformance Report Transaction Set has the capability to report the cause of the nonconformance and to
state the proposed action to be followed to prevent a repetition of the problem.
843 Response to Request for Quotation
Used to provide potential buyers with price, delivery schedule, and other terms from potential sellers of goods and
services, in response to a request for such information.
844 Product Transfer Account Adjustment
Used to transmit specific data in the form of a debit, credit, or request for credit relating to pre-authorized product
transfer actions.
845 Price Authorization Acknowledgment/Status
Used by a vendor or manufacturer to transmit specific data relative to the status of or changes to outstanding price
846 Inventory Inquiry/Advice
Used in the following ways: (1) for a seller of goods and services to provide inventory information to a
prospective purchase, with no obligation to the purchaser to acquire these goods or services; (2) for a
representative of a seller of goods and services to supply inventory information to that seller; (3) for one location
to supply another location with inventory information; and (4) for an inquiry as to the availability of inventory
with no obligation on the seller of goods and services to reserve that inventory.
847 Material Claim
Provides trading partners a means to advise each other of costs and charges involved in fabricated or purchased
material or both which has been deemed damaged, unusable, or obsolete. This transaction set is not to be used to
submit claims against transportation or insurance carriers. The Material Claim Transaction Set (847) can be used
in the following ways: (1) for a seller of material to advise the buyer of costs and charges resulting from order
cancellation or change and must be based on the buyer’s authorization to fabricate or purchase material or both;
(2) for a buyer of material to advise the seller of costs and charges resulting from material which was deemed
damaged or unusable.
848 Material Safety Data Sheet
Used to communicate chemical characteristics, hazards, and precautions for the safe handling and use of a
material. The transaction set is intended to convey the information required for a Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazard Communication
Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200 in the United States, and Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
(WHIMS) in Canada, and various state, province, and local requirements under right-to-know legislation.
The MSDS provides the receiver with detailed information concerning material identity, emergency response,
chemical and physical characteristics, toxicology, and industrial hygiene procedures.
State and federal law dictate who is obligated to provide the MSDS and to whom it should be issued. In addition,
third-party providers or others with no statutory obligation may voluntarily provide an MSDS to anyone.
This transaction set allows for transmission of MSDS data in a structured, unstructured, or semi-structured form.
CAUTION: With this transaction et, text format is critical due to the MSDS’s primary role as a vehicle for
hazards communication. The risk if this information is not transmitted clearly and accurately could be harmful to
human life, harmful to the environment, could cause mishandling of product, could cause mishandling of product,
could result in regulatory non-compliance, and could result in liability.
Trading partners need to agree on how to interpret, store, and display/print MSDS text, especially text contained in
the MSG and SD1 segments. For example, a sender may wish to format text so that one print line is mapped to
one MSG segment. Segment terminator and data element delimiter characters shall not appear in any MSDS data.
WARNING: Alteration of the original document will occur if the EDI translator or application software converts
characters to uppercase. This may adversely affect the appearance, effectiveness, clarity, readability, and
communicability of the printed MSDS document.
849 Response to Product Transfer Account Adjustment
Used to transmit a detailed or summary response to a party requesting an accounting adjustment relating to a preauthorized
product transfer.
850 Purchase Order
Used to provide for customary and established business and industry practice relative to the placement of purchase
orders for goods and services.
851 Asset Schedule
Provides for the customary and established business and industry practice relative to establishing a schedule of
assets and the contractual terms and conditions relating to those assets agreed upon between lessor, lessee, buyer,
seller, or any other party needing to establish a precise list of assets.
852 Product Activity Data
Used to advise a trading partner of inventory, sales, and other product activity information. Product activity data
enables a trading partner to plan and ship, or propose inventory replenishment quantities, for distribution centers,
warehouses or retail outlets.
The receiver of the transaction set will maintain some type of inventory/product movement records for it trading
partners to enable replenishment calculations based on data provided by the distributor, warehouse or retailer.
853 Routing and Carrier Instruction
Provides the sender with the capability to transmit detailed routing and carrier information pertinent to a route.
This transaction set only provides routing information and does not convey information about a shipping event or
provide shipping authorization.
854 Shipment Delivery Discrepancy Information
Used to enable a carrier to notify a shipper or consignee of discrepancies between tendered freight and actual
delivered freight. Delivery discrepancy data enables a party to track and control damages, overages, and
855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment
Used to provide for customary and established business and industry practice relative to a seller’s
acknowledgment of a buyer’s purchase order. This transaction set can also be used as notification of a vendor
generated order. This usage advises a buyer that a vendor has or will ship merchandise as prearranged in their
856 Ship Notice/Manifest
Used to list the contents of a shipment of goods as well as additional information relating to the shipment, such as
order information, product description, physical characteristics, type of packaging, marking, carrier information,
and configuration of goods within the transportation equipment. The transaction set enables the sender to describe
the contents and configuration of a shipment in various levels of detail and provides an ordered flexibility to
convey information.
The sender of this transaction is the organization responsible for detailing and communicating the contents of a
shipment or shipments, to on4e or more receivers of the transaction set. The receiver of this transaction set can be
any organization having an interest in the contents of a shipment or information about the contents of a shipment.
857 Shipment and Billing Notice
Provides the recipient of a shipment with data for both receipt planning and payment generation.
EDI and telecommunications technologies suggest efficiencies in the way business data is processed. For
example, the sender of a shipment may send the recipient’s receiving function a Ship Notice/Manifest (856), and
the payables function an Invoice (810), even though the contents of these two documents may be largely
redundant. In certain business environments, the Shipment and Billing Notice permits the consolidation of these
two documents into one.
Specifically, this transaction set is appropriate where the shipment data, when it includes terms and item prices,
can be used both to plan receipts and to generate payment. In this environment, the exact prices for the items
shipped may not be known in advance by both parties.
858 Shipment Information
Used to provide the sender with the capability to transmit detailed bill-of-lading, rating, and/or scheduling
information pertinent to a shipment.
This transaction set can also be used to exchange Government Bills of Lading (GBLs), Commercial Bills of
Lading (CBLs), Transportation Control and Movement Documents (TCMDs) and Personal Property Government
Bills of Lading (PPGBLs). It may be used by the U.S. Civilian Government, U.S. Department of Defense, and
any of their trading partners to exchange information about the shipment of freight, household goods, and
passengers. The transaction set fulfills information requirements established by U.S. Government transportation
movement rules and regulations.
859 Freight Invoice
Used to provide the sender with the capability to transmit an invoice including charges, allowances, and details,
for transportation services rendered.
This transaction set can also be used to exchange transportation services invoice information based on services
provided in accordance with Government transportation rules and regulations. It may be used by the U.S. Civilian
Government, U.S. Department of Defense, and any of their trading partners to exchange invoice information
resulting from the shipment of freight, household goods, and passengers. This transaction set fulfills financial
information requirements established by the U.S. Government.
860 Purchase Order Change Request – Buyer Initiated
Used to provide the information required for the customary and 4established business and industry practice
relative to a purchase order change. This transaction can be used: (1) by a buyer to request a change to a
previously submitted purchase order or (2) by a buyer to confirm acceptance of a purchase order change initiated
by the seller or by mutual agreement of the two parties.
861 Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate
Used to provide for customary and established business and industry practice relative to the notification of receipt
or formal acceptance of goods and services.
862 Shipping Schedule
Used by a customer to convey precise shipping schedule requirements to a supplier, and is intended to supplement
the planning schedule transaction set (830). The shipping schedule will supersede certain shipping and delivery
information transmitted in a previous planning schedule transaction, but it does not replace the 830 transaction set.
The use of this transaction set will facilitate the practice of Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing by providing the
customer with a mechanism to issue precise shipping schedule requirements on a more frequent basis than with
the issuance of a planning schedule transaction, e.g., daily shipping schedules versus weekly planning schedules.
The shipping schedule transaction also provides the ability for a customer location to issue shipping requirements
independent of other customer locations when planning schedule transactions are issued by a consolidated
scheduling organization.
863 Report of Test Results
Used to transmit the results of tests performed to satisfy a specified product or process requirement. This includes,
but is not limited to, test data such as inspection data, certification data, and statistical process control
864 Text Message
Used to provide users with a capability to electronically move messages, contracts, explanations, and other onetime
It is the intent of this transaction set to provide electronic communication (messages) for people, not for computer
processing. The use of the transaction set to transmit quasi or unique transaction set standards is discouraged.
The use of the Text Message transaction set demands of the sender certain detailed information about the
recipient. The transaction set’s purpose is to provide communication to the recipient in some human-readable
form. The recipient’s network will dictate what capabilities are available for delivery of the information. It is the
responsibility of the sender to obtain this information and include it in the transmission.
865 Purchase Order Change Acknowledgment/Request – Seller Initiated
Used to convey acceptance or rejection of changes to a previously submitted purchase order by the seller or to
notify the buyer of changes initiated by the seller to a previously submitted purchase order by the seller.
866 Production Sequence
Used to provide for the receiver of goods to request the order in which shipments of goods arrive at one or more
locations, or to specify the order in which the goods are to be unloaded from the conveyance method, or both.
This specifies the sequence in which the goods are to enter the materials handling process, or are to be consumed
in the production process, or both.
867 Product Transfer and Resale Report
Used to (1) report information about product that has been transferred from one location to another; (2) report
sales of product from one or more locations to an end customer; or (3) report sales of a product from one or more
locations by an end customer, and demand beyond actual sales (lost orders). Report may be issued by either buyer
or seller.
868 Electronic Form Structure
Used to provide a structure for transfer of EDI standards, or portions thereof in an electronic form. These EDI
standards include but are not limited to: ANSI X12 standards, approved ASC X12 Transaction Sets,
UN/EDIFACT standard message, and industry EDI conventions and guidelines. It is intended to provide users
with the following:
The ability to send and receive EDI standards data which can be used to update application or translation software.
The ability to exchange data maintenance information with trading partners about transaction sets, segments,
elements and codes that will be used for EDI transmissions.
The ability to transmit complete or partial EDI standards or conventions.
869 Order Status Inquiry
Used to request all pertinent information relative to an entire purchase order, selected line items on a purchase, or
selected products/services on a purchase order. Inquiry can also be made for all or a selected portion of the
customer’s ordered items, all or a selected portion of the customer’s unshipped items, or all or a selected portion
of the customer’s shipped items.
870 Order Status Report
Used to report on the current status of a requirement forecast, an entire purchase order, selected line items on a
purchase order, selected products/services on a purchase order, or purchase orders for a specific customer in their
entirety or on a selection basis. The transaction set can also be used to report on the current status of single or
multiple requisitions. The report format allows for the inclusion of “reasons” relative to the status. The
transaction set may also be used to update the supplier’s scheduled shipment or delivery dates. This transaction
set can result from either an inquiry or a prearranged schedule agreed to by the trading partners.
871 Component Parts Content
Provides the ability to report the non-domestic contents of a product, or component part contained within a
product, in accordance with governmental regulations.
872 Residential Mortgage Insurance Application
Used by a mortgage originator to request mortgage insurance and to provide supporting information needed to
obtain a mortgage insurance commitment on one or several residential mortgage loans. It can also be used, in
conjunction with other transaction sets, to provide information needed to obtain an automated underwriting
decision from a residential real estate automated underwriting system.
873 Commodity Movement Services
Used to convey request and response information for commodity movement services.
874 Commodity Movement Services Response
Used to return validation information in response to the Commodity Movement Services Transaction Set (873).
875 Grocery Products Purchase Order
Used to provide for customary and established grocery industry practice relative to the placement of purchase
orders for finished goods in a retail or wholesale consumer market. This standard can be used by a retailer or
wholesaler organization to request delivery of finished goods from a broker or supplier organization.
876 Grocery Products Purchase Order Change
Used to provide for customary and established grocery industry practice relative to the changing of purchase
orders for finished goods in a retail or wholesale consumer market. This standard can be uses by a retailer or
wholesaler organization to request a change to a previously submitted purchase order.
Changes are accomplished by restating the value of the data elements to be changed rather than indicating the
difference between the old and new value. Deletions are handled by restating the values to zeros or blanks. If an
item is to be deleted, the quantity ordered is restated to zero.
877 Manufacturer Coupon Family Code Structure
Used by a manufacturer or third party agent to notify a distributor or third party agent relative to coupon family
code structures and their associated product codes.
878 Product Authorization/De-authorization
Used to advise a trading partner of products authorized at store or warehouse level.
879 Price Information
Used to enable a manufacturer, supplier, broker, or agent to provide a trading partner with pricing information.
880 Grocery Products Invoice
Used to provide for customary and established grocery industry practice relative to billing details for finished
goods in a retail or wholesale consumer market. The transaction set can be used by the supplier or broker
organization to request payment from a retailer or wholesaler organization.
881 Manufacturer Coupon Redemption Detail
Used by a manufacturer or manufacturer’s agent to communicate coupon redemption detail and the associated
store tag detail necessary for reconcillation to a distributor’s or distributor’s clearinghouse invoice.
882 Direct Store Delivery Summary Information
Used to summarize detailed delivery, return and adjustment information which was previously reconciled at time
of delivery in a retail direct store delivery environment, and also to request payment for the products delivered.
This transaction set will provide only a summary of direct store deliveries and adjustments without product detail.
883 Market Development Fund Allocation
Initiated by a manufacturer and provides for customary and established business and industry practice relative to
informing a broker or retailer/wholesaler how funds should be allocated in a market development program.
884 Market Development Fund Settlement
Provides for customary and established business and industry practice relative to communicating settlement
information associated with a single market development fund event. This transaction set is multidirectional
between trading partners.
885 Retail Account Characteristics
Used to enable a retailer, wholesaler or broker to provide detailed attributes of a retail store such as store number,
size of store, class of trade, product category information,customer demographic information, or marketing, etc. to
a trading partner.
886 Customer Call Reporting
Used to enable a broker or manufacturer to communicate retail store level information such as condition of
products, shelf space allocation, store conditions, marketing programs in effect, information on competitor
products, selective pricing information, display information, etc.
887 Coupon Notification
Used by a manufacturer to notify a distributor, retail clearing house, manufacturer’s agent or broker of the
issuance of coupons and to provide information necessary for processing.
888 Item Maintenance
Used to enable a manufacturer, supplier, broker, or agent to provide detailed finsihed goods product information to
a partner in a consumer goods market. This transaction set can be used to provide information about new products
or changes in existing product specifications. Price changes will not be sent with this transaction set, but can be
sent with the Price Change Transaction Set (870).
889 Promotion Announcement
Used by a broker, distributor or manufacturer and provides for customary and established business and industry
practice relative to the announcement of promotion allowance amounts, dates and performance conditions that
may apply; the replacement of a previously transmitted promotion in its entirety, the cancellation of a previously
transmitted promotion; changes to promotion dates; or acceptance of a promotion offered by a broker or supplier.
This transaction set is multidirectional between trading partners.
891 Deduction Research Report
Used by a seller to request information about a deduction from an invoice. It can also be used by a seller’s agent
or buyer to provide complete details needed to resolve deduction amounts.
893 Item Information Request
Used by distributors and brokers to request complete item information from the manufacturers, suppliers, brokers,
or agents. The item information will be returned using the Item Maintenance Transaction Set (888). This
transaction set can be used also to request product activity. The product activity will be returned using the Product
Activity Data Transaction Set (852).
894 Delivery/Return Base Record
Used to enable a Direct Store Delivery (DSD) vendor to communicate the details of a DSD delivery and is to be
used during the check-in procedure.
895 Delivery/Return Acknowledgment or Adjustment
Used to enable a distributor or Direct Store Delivery (DSD) vendor to communicate adjustments to a DSD
delivery or to acknowledge the completion of a delivery. The transaction set contains changes to the
Delivery/Return Base Rcord identified during the check-in procedure. A Delivery/Return Acknowledgment
and/or Adjustment Transaction containing no changes is considered to be an acceptance of the preceding Base
Record or Adjustment. The transaction set will contain only the detail data which is to be changed.
896 Production Dimension Maintenance
Used to provide information about the physical characteristics of items for use in computerized shelf space
management systems.
920 Loss or Damage Claim – General Commodities
Used to file a legal claim with a transportation carrier for loss or damage.
924 Loss or Damage Claim – Motor Vehicle
Used to file a legal claim with a carrier for loss or damage to a motor vehicle.
925 Claim Tracer
Used by a claimant to request from a carrier the status of a loss or damage claim.
926 Claim Status Report and Tracer Reply
Used by a carrier to report the status of a claim to the claimant or to a reply to a claim tracer from the claimant.
928 Automotive Inspection Detail
Used by automotive manufacturers, inspection agencies, or carriers to report motor vehicle inspection results to
other interested parties.
940 Warehouse Shipping Order
Used to enable the depositor to advise a warehouse to make a shipment, confirm a shipment, or modify or cancel a
previously transmitted shipping order, make a shipment, confirm a shipment, or modify or cancel a previously
transmitted shipping order.
943 Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice
Used by a depositor or an agent of the depositor to advise the recipient that a transfer shipment has been made.
Also provides a receiving location with detail information concerning product being shipped to that location.
944 Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice
Used by a receiving location to advise a depositor or an agent of the depositor that a transfer shipment has been
received. Also provides the depositor or the depositor’s agent with detail information concerning product that has
been received.
945 Warehouse Shipping Advice
Used by the warehouse to advise the depositor that shipment was made. Also used to reconcile order quantities
with shipment quantities.
947 Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice
Used to inform a warehouse/depositor of a quantity or status change to inventory records. Also provides detail
information concerning the internal adjustments which occur between a warehouse and a depositor.
980 Functional Group Totals
Used to transmit selected totals and accumulated totals for each type of transaction set contained in a functional
990 Response to a Load Tender
Used to provide general information relative to a specific shipment. Also used as a response to a Motor Carrier
Load Tender Transaction Set (204) which has been used as a load tender.
993 Secured Receipt or Acknowledgment
Provides three distinct security services: security protocol error reporting, non-repudiation of receipt of X12.58
authenticated transaction sets or functional groups, and transmission of authentication independent of the
document for which the authentication is rendered. When it is used to pass a dis-embodied signature (nonrepudiation
of origin), both the transaction set and the 993 with the assurance for the transaction set may be
transmitted completely of each other. Also may be generated as a “trusted receipt” for a 993 that contained a disembodied
996 File Transfer
Used to transmit file information in formats agreed to by the sending and receiving parties. Not intended to
replace or bypass the use of existing X12 transaction sets to accommodate internal applications. Solely intended
for the exchange of formatted electronic accounting machine (EAM), 80 column card images.
997 Functional Acknowledgment
Used to define the control structures for a set of acknowledgments to indicate the results of the syntactical analysis
of the electronically encoded documents. The encoded documents are the transaction sets, which are grouped in
functional groups, used in defining transactions for business data interchange. Does not cover the semantic
meaning of the information encoded in the transaction sets.
998 Set Cancellation
Used to request the deletion of a previously transmitted transaction set and will indicate the reason for this action,
such as diversion or cancelled bill.

How to do mirroring payroll data from another platform for the last two months in ERPNext

  Mirroring payroll data from another platform into ERPNext for the last two months involves several steps, including data extraction, tran...